Tiếng Việt

Business story of PetroVietnam Oil Corporation

Placing target to become Vietnam’s leading enterprise operating in various field of import and export, crude oil trading as well as retailing and distribution of petroleum products, PetroVietnam Oil Corporation (PVOIL) strives to improve service quality.

Business story of PVOIL

When petroleum quality emerged as a concern in the public, several local enterprises began to strictly controlled petroleum quality. However, PVOIL ‘s President and CEO Cao Hoai Duong give priority to assuring good quality to protect consumers' interests.

Story 1: Five principles to ensure petroleum quality

According to PVOIL's point of view, competing by product and service quality is key for success.

The corporation proposes 5 principles of quality assurance and services in petroleum sector. The principle is tightly control in all of production phase; compliance with sampling and handing over samples; clear delineation of responsibilities among stakeholders; protection of consumers' interests; not exporting goods without complying regulations.

Those principles prove strict process in petroleum trade of PVOIL.

PVOIL strictly checks the processes and regulations

Since 2016, PVOIL has deployed project on improving quality of services at the petroleum depot (Project 808) and project on improving quality of customer service at affiliated petroleum stations (Project 1114).

Thanks to the projects, PVOIL’s petroleum storages and stations undergo regular inspection for good quality. The environment around the storages are also inspected.

PVOIL's regulations, the quality control of PVOIL’s products, is closely monitored, from importing, storage, blend to delivery, according to PVOIL’s Chief of Petroleum Products Trading Division Hoang Dinh Tung

Nha Be petroleum depot (PVOIL Nha Be)

At Nha Be Petroleum Storage, (PVOIL Nha Be), the process of managing petroleum is controlled strictly from importing, storing and transporting from warehouses to retail stores and agents. According to Director of Nha Be Petroleum Storage Ngo Duc Dung, the quality control was carried out daily and random inspections.

When there is an abnormal change in the amount petroleum in the tank, PVOIL will take a sample to check the quality. If the results do not meet the quality standards, delivery of petroleum from the tanks will be suspended.

During the transport process, owners of trucks or the representative of the means of transport must comply with the relevant regulations such as not taking off seals. Withdrawing or adding any substance to petroleum during transportation is strictly prohibited.

Box: During the coming years, PVOIL has the target to increase the proportion to 35% for retail channel (current, 26%), sales channel of corporate customers (currently, 20%) and market share (currently, 20%). In particular, PVOIL has determined it will give top priority for enhancing quality.

At PVOIL petroleum stations, before receiving products, staff must check sealing status of the cargo and compare with the actual seal. If there is a complaint about product quality, staff stop selling the product for inspecting.

For affiliate and franchise stores, quality control is a challenge to deal with. Franchise stores are allowed to buy PVOIL petroleum and use PVOIL brand to sell the products. If the regulation is followed, PVOIL can easily check the product quality and have responsibility of the petroleum sold. PVOIL is determined to cut the contract if franchise agents violate the quality standard of PVOIL.

In a competitive market, prestige and quality are what make a business different. Quality creates prestige, reputation is the basis for sustainable existence and a foothold for the business in the hearts of customers.

Thanks to strict process from various stages including import, storage, delivery to consumers closely monitored, PVOIL gradually conquers consumers, confirming the competitive view with quality and professional services.

Story 2: PVOIL - Compliance with business ethics

Source: https://baotainguyenmoitruong.vn

List of application from banks allowing customers to proceed non-cash payment at PVOIL and COMECO petroleum stations






Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank)


ABBank Mobile An Binh Commercial Joint Stock Bank (ABBank)


ACB Mobile

Asia Commercial Joint StockBank (ACB)


Agribank E-Mobile Banking

VietnamBankfor Agriculture and Rural Development (Agribank)


BIDV Smart Banking

Bankfor Investment and Development of Vietnam (BIDV)


EIB Mobile

Vietnam Export ImportCommercialJoint - Stock Bank (Eximbank)


HDBank Mobile Banking

Ho Chi Minh City Development Joint StockCommercialBank (HDBank)


Mobile Banking MBBank

Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank


MSB mBank

VietnamMaritimeJoint Stock CommercialBank (MSB)


Nam A Bank Mobile Banking

NamACommercialJoint StockBank (Nam A Bank)


NCB Smart

National Citizen Commercial Joint StockBank (NCB)


OCB Mobile Banking

Orient Commercial Joint Stock Bank


Easy OceanBank Mobile

Ocean Bank


PV Mobile Banking

Vietnam Public Joint StockCommercialBank


Sacombank mBanking

Saigon Thuong Tin Commercial Joint Stock Bank


SCB Mobile Banking

Saigon Commercial Bank (SCB)


SHB Mobile

Saigon HanoiCommercial Joint StockBank(SHB)


Shinhan Bank Vietnam SOL



TPBank Mobile

Tien PhongCommercialJoint Stock Bank (TPBank)


Vietbank Digital

Vietnam Thuong Tin Joint StockCommercialBank


Viet Capital Mobile Banking

Viet Capital CommercialJoint StockBank (Viet Capital)


Vietinbank iPay

Vietnam Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Industry and Trade (Vietinbank)


VPBank Online

Vietnam Prosperity Joint-Stock Commercial Bank(VPBank)

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